
There's food on my face... on purpose!

I am always craving a mask on my face when I'm in the bath. I am usually soaking with an enzyme mask, but today I decided to make my own alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) mask with tartaric (grapes), lactic (yogurt) and citric (lemon) acids.

Alpha Hydroxy acids are naturally occurring acids, also known as "fruit acids." AHA's are added to cosmetic ingredients to assist in exfolation to reveal softer skin, reduce fine lines, and give an overall healthy glow.

1/2 avocado
juice from 1/2 lemon
10 peeled red grapes
2 tbsp yogurt (I used Horizon Organic Yogurt)
1 tsp honey
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 c oatmeal (may be omitted)

Combine all ingredients together and take a mixer to it until it's well blended and mostly smooth.

Time: 15 minutes
Yields: ~ 2 masks, refrigerate remainder up to 3-5 days.

Avocados are rich in vitamins A, C, and E; beneficial for sensitive and dry skin for it's moisturizing and soothing properties.
Yogurt is used as a mild exfoliant with lactic acid, cleanser and mild astringent.
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, and are used as a mild exfoliant with citric acid.
Honey is moisturizing, antibacterial and helps tighten skin.
Grapes are packed with antioxidants and contain tartaric acid.
Olive oil is moisturizing and calming, beneficial for dry and sensitive skin.
Oatmeal is used as a mild exfoliator and is also beneficial for dry and sensitive skin.

The mask was overall pleasant. I find the oatmeal was a little excessive, and didn't really blend well with the whole mask. I have a problem with redness (erythema along with some couperose) on my cheeks, and this mask really evened out my skin tone. I am left with soft, radiant skin!


**Disclaimer: Omit any ingredients you may have allergies or sensitivities to.


  1. Amanda, first off, congrats on starting your blog! And secondly, you must be in my head or something, as I was *just* thinking that I need to research recipes for homemade facemasks. I love using the fresh ones from Lush but I'm too broke now and far away to buy them so this post is perfect! I'll get back to you on how it goes

  2. Great! I am always looking for more creative and cheap ways to get stuff on my face! If you think about it, this is just the RAW version of a lot of high end products. (Of course not all! There are a lot of good high end products that are very concentrated and full of good stuff) It's a lot of fun to experiment and just make your own!
