
Acne Mask

I have been dealing with acne for as long as I can remember. I do not have acneic skin, but I occasionally get break outs and blackheads, especially if I switch up my products.
I recently purchased H2O+ Milk Cleanser and H2O+ Pore Minimizing Gel. While I haven't had too many issues with these new products, I've had a few break outs that are most likely a result of my skin adjusting to a new routine. Overall, the cleanser is a very clean feeling, but it's very mild. It's a good alternative to my active cleanser, a lactic acid cleanser by Sanitas. My pores are bigger in my T-zone so I purchased a pore minimizing gel, which contains salicylic acid with a triple boost of antioxidants.

If you have tea tree at home, it is the most ideal ingredient for spot treatment. Tea tree is antibacterial, helps reduce redness, dissolve sebum, and encourage healing. Leave it on for about 15 minutes or overnight.

I put together a mask that I feel benefits acneic skin, but it is suitable for all skin types.

Strawberry & Tomato Mask
2 strawberries (contains salicylic acid & antioxidants, refreshes and exfoliates)
1 small tomato (great for acneic skin, toning, contains antioxidants)
1 tbsp honey (hydrating, toning, tightens skin)
squirt of lemon/lime juice (helps even skin tone)
1 tbsp olive oil (moisturizing)
1 tbsp yogurt (Cleansing, moisturizing, mild astringent)

Add all ingredients to a blender/food processor, and blend until mostly smooth.
Cleanse face and apply mask.
Leave on for 15-20 minutes for optimal results.
Rinse with lukewarm water OR use a damp cloth for extra exfoliation.
Pat dry.
Tone and moisturize.

This mask will yield at least 3-4 masks so refrigerate for up to a week, or cut the amounts in half.

**Omit any ingredients you may have allergies or sensitivities to.

The first thing I noticed with this mask is a very clean and tightened feeling. The mask itself is somewhat runny, but the yogurt and honey should help with the thickness, so add as much or as little as you'd like. This mask is best used while taking a bath, the extra steam allows for deeper penetration.
Mask will begin to dry after about 5 minutes, if you missed any spots now is the time to apply extra mask.
My skin feels very clean and soft. This is a bit stronger than the last mask I posted, and my skin is very pleased!

Please feel free to try and share your experiences!



The power of moisturizing... your skin will love you.

If you do one thing in your daily skin care routine, that thing should be adding some moisture to your pretty face.

Our skin is bombarded with stress on a daily basis, it is fighting off invaders left and right. If you continually dry out your skin, it will be weak and unstable. You will start to show signs of aging, redness, acne... any number of conditions that is a response to poor skin health. The skin needs moisture in more ways than just drinking water, although your skin really appreciates your effort.

We need to get to the basics: How do I find a good moisturizer? Well, a good way to start is picking one up at the store and looking at the ingredients. Some key words for moisturizing properties are hylauronic acid, glycerin, sorbitol, beeswax, squalane/squalene, propylene glycol, lanolin, and so forth. Some more natural ingredients from plants include: algae, comfrey, grapeseed extract, jojoba, olive, rose, sesame, shea butter, and soy.

If you're looking for an easy to use, wallet-friendly way of adding moisture to your skin, I would recommend Jojoba Oil. This oil is actually a wax found in a shrub in southern parts of Arizona, California, and northern Mexico. Jojoba Oil mimics the sebum found in our oil glands, so it is beneficial for any skin type. It's also antibacterial, so it's perfect to help combat acne. You can find Jojoba Oil at any health food store, and it's affordable (around $4-5 for one ounce). Always look for "100% pure/organic". You don't need much to get it over your entire face, about 3-4 drops. It also makes for an excellent make up remover!

So do your skin a solid and moisturize!


There's food on my face... on purpose!

I am always craving a mask on my face when I'm in the bath. I am usually soaking with an enzyme mask, but today I decided to make my own alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) mask with tartaric (grapes), lactic (yogurt) and citric (lemon) acids.

Alpha Hydroxy acids are naturally occurring acids, also known as "fruit acids." AHA's are added to cosmetic ingredients to assist in exfolation to reveal softer skin, reduce fine lines, and give an overall healthy glow.

1/2 avocado
juice from 1/2 lemon
10 peeled red grapes
2 tbsp yogurt (I used Horizon Organic Yogurt)
1 tsp honey
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 c oatmeal (may be omitted)

Combine all ingredients together and take a mixer to it until it's well blended and mostly smooth.

Time: 15 minutes
Yields: ~ 2 masks, refrigerate remainder up to 3-5 days.

Avocados are rich in vitamins A, C, and E; beneficial for sensitive and dry skin for it's moisturizing and soothing properties.
Yogurt is used as a mild exfoliant with lactic acid, cleanser and mild astringent.
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, and are used as a mild exfoliant with citric acid.
Honey is moisturizing, antibacterial and helps tighten skin.
Grapes are packed with antioxidants and contain tartaric acid.
Olive oil is moisturizing and calming, beneficial for dry and sensitive skin.
Oatmeal is used as a mild exfoliator and is also beneficial for dry and sensitive skin.

The mask was overall pleasant. I find the oatmeal was a little excessive, and didn't really blend well with the whole mask. I have a problem with redness (erythema along with some couperose) on my cheeks, and this mask really evened out my skin tone. I am left with soft, radiant skin!


**Disclaimer: Omit any ingredients you may have allergies or sensitivities to.


This is my first real attempt at blogging, so here it goes!

I started this blog in hope for sharing my love for skin care. I am a licensed esthetician, with a passion for helping people achieve realistic, wallet-sensitive skin care results!

My goal of this blog is to share a few tips, tricks and recipes for easy and affordable at-home skin care.

Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions you might have for specific skin types. (sleepinthestars9784@gmail.com)

Healthy skin is happy skin!
